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and take your 'why' to the world.
Hi, I'm Colin 'CJ' Rowsell
Profile photo of Colin Rowsell

As the Director of Man on Fire Consulting I help bold & unusual leaders  shape positive change in the world.


Strategy | Leadership | Narrative | Delivery


I'm an experienced senior operator across fast-moving, high pressure environments in both commercial and public sectors. My specialty is solving hard strategic problems where there’s no clear roadmap, discovering new territory with pioneers at the edge of technology, startup growth, and economic development.


I'm actively looking for ambitious teams to work with, especially in advanced tech, social infrastructure, and interactive media. Please say hi any time or or take a look at my approach and work, including the Storytelling For Leaders initiative

We now have clarity on the product vision, the type of company we want to build, and a framework to communicate that to the world!

Nicole Tiefensee | co-founder of Runn

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